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To synthesized NPs we need special materials, like: colorant, magnetic stirrer, pipette, plastic pendulum tube...

-To begin, we have to dilute rhodamine (colorant) with water. Rhodamine will tell us if NPs enter cancerous cells or not.  
-The next phase is where we put dichloromethane and it is when we have to dissolve the drug or the polymer. Then, with a magnetic stirrer we make our sample mix.
-We continue with the internal phase, we put the sulfating, called SP80. Next, we put it in contact with the organic phase, and let us spend some time to dissolve it.
-Then, we do the external phase of the nanoparticle. We have to put water with another sulfating, which is the alcoholic polyvinyl (PVA). Also, we put 1 mol of sodium chloride. Although sodium chloride is not necessary, many studies have shown that polymer and drugs can better be encapsulated.

-Finally, we have to mix to make sure the concentrations are the best, clean our sample with acetone, because it is an organic solvent. When cleaning the sample, we obtain more volume than previously, so we put a larger magnet and put it back to the magnetic stirrer.

After three or four hours the sample is violet when it was pink earlier, because chloromethane has evaporated.
-But the process is not over yet. We have to wash with distilled water and centrifuge nanoparticles, as they are currently suspended in water.


Lab Experiments

How are nanoparticles synthesized?

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